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- /*
- *
- * Function Optimization with very high rate of mutation and
- * harsh selection.
- *
- * Fitness Function : f(x,y) = 21.5 + x*sin(4*PI*x) + y*sin(20*PI*y)
- * For x = ]-3,12.1[ and y = ]4.1,5.8[
- *
- * This program does in no way claim to be optimal, so as an exercise
- * you might consider to try and improve it.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <GAP.h>
- static long int Polyphant_Size; /* No. of bits in one Polyphant. */
- #ifndef PI
- #define PI 3.141592653589793238462
- #endif
- struct Polyphant {
- unsigned long x1,x2;
- };
- double fitfunc(struct Polyphant *);
- void mutator(struct Polyphant *,int);
- void crosser(struct Polyphant *,struct Polyphant *,int);
- /* Mutation frequencies. Higer = MoreCommon */
- int Common;
- int Uncommon;
- int isvalid(struct Polyphant *);
- int main(int cnt,char *arg[])
- {
- struct Population *Pop;
- struct Polyphant *Polly;
- int n,Generations=10;
- FILE *max,*average,*median;
- struct TagItem EvolveTags[]={ /* Tags for the Evolve() function */
- {EVL_Dump, 0L},
- {EVL_Elite, 0L},
- {EVL_PreMutate,TRUE},
- {EVL_Evaluator,(IPTR)fitfunc},
- {EVL_Mutator, (IPTR)mutator},
- {EVL_Crosser, (IPTR)crosser},
- {EVL_Select, DRANDOM},
- {TAG_DONE, 0L}
- };
- EnterGAP(2);
- InitRand(time(NULL));
- Polyphant_Size = sizeof(struct Polyphant) << 3;
- if(cnt>2) /* VERY simple argument parsing */
- fprintf(stderr,"%s [Generations]\n",arg[0]);
- if(cnt==2) {
- Generations=atoi(arg[1]);
- if(!Generations)
- Generations=10;
- }
- Pop=CreatePopulation(50,sizeof(struct Polyphant),NULL); /* Create 50 Polyphants,
- use default random init function. */
- /* Report files. */
- max=fopen("Max","wb");
- average=fopen("Average","wb");
- median=fopen("Median","wb");
- if(Pop && max && average && median) {
- /* Change these to control the rate of mutation. */
- /* Total mutationrate = (10/32 + 10/32)/32 ~= 2% per bit. */
- Common = 10; /* Rate of common mutations (10/32) */
- Uncommon=10; /* Rate of uncommon mutations (10/32) */
- for(n=0;n!=Generations;n++) {
- Pop=Evolve(Pop,EvolveTags);
- if(n<((Pop->NumPolys)>>2)) { /* Change elitism and dumping on the fly. */
- EvolveTags[0].ti_Data=n>>2; /* Dump */
- EvolveTags[1].ti_Data=n; /* Elite */
- }
- printf("Generation %ld : Average = %f, Max = %f, Med = %f\n",Pop->Generation,Pop->Stat.AverageFitness,Pop->Stat.MaxFitness,Pop->Stat.MedianFitness);
- fprintf(max,"%ld.0 %f\n",Pop->Generation,Pop->Stat.MaxFitness);
- fprintf(average,"%ld.0 %f\n",Pop->Generation,Pop->Stat.AverageFitness);
- fprintf(median,"%ld.0 %f\n",Pop->Generation,Pop->Stat.MedianFitness);
- } /* n */
- Polly = Pop->Stat.Max;
- printf("Finished: Best individual (%f,%f).\n",IRange(Polly->x1,-3.0,12.1),IRange(Polly->x2,4.1,5.8));
- } else { /* (Pop && max && average && median) */
- fprintf(stderr,"Initialization failed!\n");
- }
- if(Pop) DeletePopulation(Pop); /* Finished */
- if(max) fclose(max);
- if(average) fclose(average);
- if(median) fclose(median);
- return(0);
- }
- double fitfunc(struct Polyphant *Polly)
- {
- double x1,x2;
- x1 = IRange(Polly->x1,-3.0,12.1);
- x2 = IRange(Polly->x2,4.1,5.8);
- return( 21.5 + x1*sin(4*PI*x1) + x2*sin(20*PI*x2) );
- }
- void mutator(struct Polyphant *Polly,int Size)
- {
- int i;
- if(Rnd(32)<Common) { /* common mutation */
- Flip(Polly,Rnd(Size<<3));
- } else if(Rnd(32)<Uncommon) { /* uncommon mutation */
- for(i=0;i!=Size;i++) {
- ((char *)Polly)[i]=Rnd(256);
- }
- if(Polly->x1 == 0) {
- Polly->x1+=1;
- }
- if(Polly->x1 == ULONG_MAX) {
- Polly->x1-=1;
- }
- if(Polly->x2 == 0) {
- Polly->x2+=1;
- }
- if(Polly->x2 == ULONG_MAX) {
- Polly->x2-=1;
- }
- }
- }
- void crosser(struct Polyphant *Polly,struct Polyphant *Tweety,int Size)
- {
- Crossover(&(Polly->x1),&(Tweety->x1),Rnd(sizeof(long)<<3),sizeof(long));
- Crossover(&(Polly->x2),&(Tweety->x2),Rnd(sizeof(long)<<3),sizeof(long));
- if(Rnd(4)==2) {
- Crossover(Polly,Tweety,Rnd(Size<<3),Size);
- }
- if(Polly->x1 == 0) {
- Polly->x1+=1;
- }
- if(Polly->x1 == ULONG_MAX) {
- Polly->x1-=1;
- }
- if(Polly->x2 == 0) {
- Polly->x2+=1;
- }
- if(Polly->x2 == ULONG_MAX) {
- Polly->x2-=1;
- }
- if(Tweety->x1 == 0) {
- Tweety->x1+=1;
- }
- if(Tweety->x1 == ULONG_MAX) {
- Tweety->x1-=1;
- }
- if(Tweety->x2 == 0) {
- Tweety->x2+=1;
- }
- if(Tweety->x2 == ULONG_MAX) {
- Tweety->x2-=1;
- }
- }